Ross Appointed to National Environmental Council


Bill Ross, of counsel at Brooks Pierce, and a visiting professor at the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment, was recently appointed by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson to the U.S. National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT).

The Council was formed in 1988 and serves to provide independent advice to the U.S. EPA Administrator on a range of environmental, technology and management matters.

In the coming year, the Council will be advising Administrator Jackson on issues of sustainability, as they have recommended that the EPA adopt a Sustainability Vision to guide the Agency in embedding sustainability principles into all aspects of the Agency’s work.  The Council met March 26-27 in Washington, DC to discuss these matters.
Bill led DENR, North Carolina's primary environmental protection and natural resources conservation agency, from 2001-2009. At Brooks Pierce, he focuses on the firm’s green growth and sustainability practice.

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