Hartzell On “Why you won’t see Amazon Drones Soon in NC”- Triangle Business Journal Blog Post


In the August 20th Triangle Business Journal TechFlash Blog, reporter Lauren K. Ohnesorge calls on Raleigh attorney Stephen Hartzell for insight regarding the current status of drones in North Carolina in an article here.

An excerpt:

“From the commercial side, the new laws in North Carolina won’t mean a whole heck of a lot until the FAA does something with its ruling.”

But they’re not a waste of Congressional ink, he says.

“What a law like this does for the state of North Carolina is, it tells stakeholders in the industry that North Carolina is open and ready for business,” he says. “I don’t mean open and ready for business, like this is the wild, wild west or an all-you-can-eat buffet situation. ... By enacting this law in North Carolina, North Carolina says, ‘Hey, we are a place where we think you should come do business if you’re a stakeholder in this industry.'” 

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